Miter is how contractors manage prevailing wage rates, run payroll, and generate Certified Payroll Reports in seconds.
Get a demo Keep track of prevailing wage classifications, base rates, and fringes in one place.
Run payroll in minutes, not hours. Miter auto-calculates gross pay and overtime, saving time and eliminating errors.
Save thousands $ annually by offsetting fringe rate liabilities with your existing benefit programs.
Auto-generate a Certified Payroll Report in seconds.
Keep track of your Certified Payroll submissions across all jobs.
Submit Certified Payroll to LCPTracker, eMars, and other compliance apps with ease.
Just getting started in public works? Sign up for trainings led by our in-house labor compliance experts.
Eliminate and/or outsource paperwork to our compliance specialists.
Join the fastest-growing community of public works contractors.